Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What is Web 2.0?

While still undefined here is my crack at it: "An evolution of the internet which takes better advantage "everyone's" collective input. Its a revolutionary awakening to what is possible when we network our thoughts, means, and resources in a more efficient and effective way."

It sometimes helps to look at what I mean by each key word in this definition:

evolution- a process of formation or growth "the internet is growing up"

internet- I hope I don't have to define this:

advantage- to benefit or gain: profit "we are all profiting from this change"

everyone's - billions of people all connected

collective- is you use a thesaurus you would get words like aggregate, assembled, collated, combined, common, compiled, concerted, consolidated, cooperative, corporate, cumulative, gathered, grouped, heaped, joint, shared, unified, united.

"What a great list of words to describe what is happening on the web!"

input- the best way to describe what I mean by input is the contribution of any type of digital resource available to technology. Examples include: text, audio, video, photos, bookmarks, blogs, contacts, maps, etc.

revolutionary- by revolutionary I mean a radical departure from what is status quo or how we have always done it.

awakening- by awakening I am trying to get at waking up from sleep. Sleep being the old way of doing things. I also am trying to get at the words rebirth, renewal, stimulation, kindling, and revival. This ain't the web we grew up with.

possible- The word possible is a word of hope which opens up the heart and mind to dream and be inspired. It gets at the potential of what could be if creativity was properly applied to felt need.

network- to connect, link or join forces, to combine and coalesce. The thesaurus would use words like melding, incorporating, uniting, teaming-up, forming a chain, or link.

thoughts- knowledge, reflections, information, evaluations, opinions, perspectives and research.

means- the methods or ways by which we accomplish something: usually incorporating different elements together such as search engines, web portals, blogs, aggregators, social networking or bookmarking and clipping sites. Tools may also include applications of all sorts but with an emphasis on the currents trends of using java, .net, ajax, flash, and web services.

resources- by resources I mean anything that someone brings to the table that has value in accomplishing the goals.

efficient- the idea behind efficient is agile, productive, clever, potent, proficient, and intelligent

effective- Web 2.0 is attempting to make the internet more useful, purposeful, competent, valuable, and impressive.

One of the best viral videos out there is on You-tube. it explains visually what Web 2.0 is in a clever little clip you can watch right now.

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